Saturday, September 24, 2011

it's fall, y'all

day 2.

fall started yesterday and i am so excited!

that being said, it was interesting to have a warm enough day to sit by the pool, yet the water was very cool....too cool to swim.  i just cooled my toes before laying back down in my lounger.  a few games of wwf...and relaxing.

what have you guys been up to?
football?  shopping?  sleeping?

a few inspiring fall looks. :)

love this blazer and scarf
Kendi Everyday

scarf love

Sunday, September 18, 2011

weakness in weekends

i've realized after working the past couple years 9-10 hour days, that weekends must be utilized for rest.  i guess it's my nature to keep going full-speed on weekends the way i do during the week days, however lately, by fridays, i just need sleep ... a good movie never hurts either :)  as we creep into fall (100 degree days are winding down, the sunlight hours are fading, and the fall fashions all over the web and inside shop windows excite me).

so, as we get into a new day...sunday...i snack on a small homemade pancake, drink a full coffee press, and am searching through my favourite blogs as i watch cinderella man in my man's apartment (while he's away). my body cries, "give me rest!" i am thankful that the Lord has given us the strength that we need to get through each of our circumstances, no matter how trying they are on our physical and mental selves.  as i fall lazy some evenings, i realize that in my (lacking) human strength, there is power in my weakness and turn to Him to receive rest (and strength). 2 Cor 12:9-10 (Paul's experience with weakness and the Lord's reply)

i pray that in reading this too, if you've been recently struggling, reciting your self-talk and wrestling with trying to do too much, you might turn to Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith and give Him the glory for His mighty ways. 

here are a few inspiring blogs to read for this nice sunday afternoon:

Note to Self - design student's blog. creative eye.  i like browsing her site for pretty things.

English Muse - phrases we owe to shakespeare. i like that she did this @ 3 am in her moleskin.

Nawasaka's - reads a book a week. check out her booklist here.



Thursday, September 15, 2011

flying through another week
So friends...we flew threw another week!

my first week is almost complete as a medical nutrition therapist. it's been so good. i mean it.  i love my new position, coworkers, schedule, flexibility with working and driving around dfw and then coming home and being able to chill for awhile...sitting on my porch and enjoying this texas "cold" front.

other exciting things:
1. tomorrow's friday and i get to spend some wonderful time with chase, friends, and have some alone time too. :)

2. PURPLE out- tomorrow! wha wha

3. today was a fabulous day (not to mention the weather did not exceed 90!)  had a great day traveling with gina and learning the ropes.

4. i might have done really well with my fantasy team last week.  just sayin.

5. i heart radio. ok, so i logged in. so far so good. now listening: missy higgins.

on another note:

have you been to the acts 29 or resurgence site yet?  they have great daily feeds and blog updates that you can get via twitter.

have you started pinning yet?

here's what i've been pinning up ....

hope you have enjoyed your week.  what have you guys been up to?


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sometimes my blog gets quoted

It's funny. Ever since Cody, Chase's roommate found out I had a blog, he likes to quote things for me to post.
Note he's never read one entry...but he still likes to bring me inspiration.

Hannah, UT is losing. I'm about to win a $20 bet. Post that to your little bits of wonderful.

Hannah, do you realize how smart your boyfriend is? I bet you post that to your little bits of wonderful.

So last night we played skee ball @ barcadia. A new bar-game place in fw. They have Jenga! Big Jenga tiles made out of 2x4s... Such a fun place. So Cody you inspired me... With your ways to have fun in any place, any time....

Here's to quoting it Cody Ray.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

thank you for giving me a chance

i heard these few words three times today.

"thank you for giving me a chance."

the ladies who told me this didn't know that their chances were my chance.

my chance to:
trust in the One who gave me a chance
the One who saved me from myself, fear, death

a chance to learn my earthly life is worthless when not spent on heavenly things

tomorrow is my last day at work--- i don't really see it as the finale, however, i know things will never be the same.  hearing these ladies say thank you today really didn't settle in with me until i got home tonight.  obviously, i'm a lot nicer than the last lady (haha).  no, but really, i have grown more spiritually in the last 2 years through my career than ever before.  how?  i don't know all the reasons why, however, i know i took a large step towards the unknown in agreeing to take care of 110 residents, managing 15 staff, and handling the communication matters with many healthcare professionals and family members that i've never worked with/around before.  it's been a struggle.  a joy.  a stretch at times when i felt like breaking.  a joy. tears and sleeplessness.  a joy.

We have so much to learn in laboring and suffering for Jesus Christ.  In 1st Timothy, Paul writes to Timothy regarding good servants of Jesus.   Verses 4:10-11

For to this end 3we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, iwho is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. 11 These things command and teach.
it's about the hope generated in us through Christ.  i am thankful for that hope.  it's the only thing that these ladies saw as i gave them a chance.

thank you Lord for being my hope.

Monday, September 5, 2011

i could live in austin

how's the weekend been?  i know, i know, it's monday, but it's still my weekend.  in addition, it's a three day work week for me, so i am happy.

this weekend we spent time with our dear friends, austin and christine in austin.  chase has known them for years.  it's been really special, because they have become my friends, too and i truly enjoy every occasion i get to see them.

this weekend consisted of: fantasy football, food, laughing, college football, old stories, new and old friends, and traveling around austin (oh and the draft--the annual draft that the guys do every year)...just having fun.  i hate to admit it, but the only pics i took were of food...i need to get better at that.

so instead, i found a few fun pics around the internet and of course on pinterest to share.

Fantasy Football Draft


mozarts in austin

herringbone UT colors :)

leather escape my closet soon :)
it's almost fall! pretty excited.  hope you all enjoyed your weekend.  it's going to be a good week.