have you ever bitten your lip (or tongue) at the beginning of the day and had it remind you all day that you hurt it? or better, have you ever filled your thermos with scorching hot coffee from your keurig machine, taken a sip and burned your lip through the spout? yeah, these both happened. the first, yesterday and the second today. ouch. my mouth hurts.
HOWEVER, the month of July has been flying by and filled with goodness all over the place...
1. Kelsey is gonna have a baby! Yea! I am so excited. She and Brett will be great parents.
2. Sarah and Kyle are getting married! Yes, she got engaged last Saturday. I had permission Sunday to tell friends, but it seems I haven't gotten to you all yet, so here it lies, on my blog.
3. Maddie had baby Jonah.
4. Church- studying Habakkuk and his struggles with doubting God. It's only the 2nd week in and I have been discovering the hidden away doubts I have about God and his greatness and what true faith in Him looks like.
4. My parents' anniversary is this weekend! They have been married since 82- you do the math. (hint: almost 30 big ones!)
5. Art night Saturday! My sweet friends and I are sharing time together and serving each other in a time that we all appreciate very much, yet, haven't spent enough time together doing. So, we set a date. (I think I'll plan a menu) We have ideas in mind and I am making sure to pick up the messy place before they come. Hopefully...
6. Ana is leaving soon for her excursion to Mexico. I am so excited that the time has finally come and she is able to stand firm in faith with her brothers and sisters in Christ as she moves through the process.
7. Wendy and Matt are traveling Texas! I pray that the Lord will continue to help them make contacts and share Christ with those here and share what's going on in their ministries in CO.
Are you overwhelmed by the goodness happening, yet? You should be.
There really are so many things to give praise for...We thank you, Lord, for your goodness, mercy and grace as we move about serving others and sharing your love with those who don't know you and don't yet feel the Love you have for them. Regardless of the wretch we are, you saved us on that old rugged Cross. We praise you. Amen.
reminiscing this week about our cruise. oh it was so fun...
completely wet from seattle rain we waited so patiently for our hotel room |
finally on the boat. so relaxed. now where's my coffee and cookie? |
after dinner, we'd sit outside and watch the sun set |
sarah, dad, and me after one of the shows |
i love them so much! |