Sunday, October 30, 2011

not the halloween-y kind of girl

it's been a full weekend of people watching -- seeing adults of all ages dress up and walk the streets of fort worth looking interesting (actually silly).  it's never been my thing to dress up for halloween.  so, for the parties that we went to, i brought yummy baked goods.  last night- sugar cookies with sprinkles.  fan fave at the party...and it took me back to the days when i got to bake every week.

so today- being a sunday.  resting, and watching lottsa football.  i baked a pumpkin loaf at the boys' place.  by the time, the loaf came out of the oven, they were both drooling over it and saying my baking always makes their place smell better. ;) ladies we know the way to a man's heart...don't we??  make their condos smell like baked goods and let them eat them. :)

on the baking note, it's definitely reached fall in north central texas, and it thrills me to wake up in the morning and need a sweater!  i love the fall.  not quite ready for the christmas tunes, but i am getting there....  just a few weeks and it'll be thanksgiving.

what do you enjoy about the fall?

here are a few of mine:
fall walks via here
Grilled cheese and tomato soup via here
hot drinks via here
tweed, stripes, and florals found via here
boots and boats found via here

have a wonderful week!
xx, h

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