Wednesday, March 2, 2011

remember stirrup pants?

do you remember stirrup pants??  80's thing, i think.  however, they're back!  i've got proof.  my residents wear them.  at least 2 of them do. they're back. :) seeing them wearing them today made me smile.  and i needed to smile.

next thing that made me smile was during a meeting with one of my residents and their family, they asked if the optometrist would come to see her...our response was yes, she can or she can go out to see a specific one if she has one in mind..."why?" we asked.  the resident proceeded to lay her little frames on the table in front of them and they were definitely the most bent/out of shape frames i'd ever seen.  totally don't know how they were even staying on her little face.  anywho...she was positive about it. said, "well i just know i don't wanna fix em.  i need em to see.  i'll probably make them worse, if i try to bend them back."

sometimes i hear about BMs.  well, let's just confirm that i hear about them a lot.  it's definitely part of nutritional practice to assess constipation or diarrhea...but wowza...the elderly are not shy about talking about their BMs.  color, textures, how often, or not... i overheard the conversation at the lunch table the other day...two ladies, mid-lunch, talking about the meds they use to resolve their issues.  quite hilarious.  i laughed inside, and then thought to myself, "what will i talk about when i'm 85 years old?"  hope that my friends will kick me and tell me to talk about my garden instead. :P

on another note- i've been perusing (go check it have to sign up...maybe get placed on a waiting list these days...but totally worth it if you enjoy photography and find inspiration that way)

Found this quote by Lewis:  I love that we were created for another world...why we live like this is our home, is beyond me.  Thank you, Christ, for making this possible. :)
so true...picture found via here
also lyrics from the fray
Hope you'll smile when you realize we just made it through hump day.  Hope the rest of the week is even better. ** 

I know I can't wait for my lovely weekend to arrive. yea!

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